Monday, October 25, 2010

Ornamental Garden Plant Design House

Through a combination of natural elements such as rocks, water, trees, flowers and artificial elements as as architecture, painting and poetry, the designer wanted to achieve an effect that is adhered to the Taoist principles of balance and harmony, man and nature. Ornamental plants with beautiful flowers and leaves in graceful forms and shapes are widely planted indoor as well as in the garden. There isn't any specific method that should be adhered to. However conscious planning combined with specific selection to strike the right combination of ornamental plants is necessary to usher color and life to your landscape. Breeders have created numerous ornamental varieties of plants and flowers. Bring your ideas together, put your creativity to best use, know the art of blending grasses, shrubs and flowers with ornamental plants for a beautiful breathtaking Eden right at your doorstep. Having created an ornamental garden, you should also know how to take care.

Exotic varieties. Begonias, Gesneriads, Hoyas and Passionflowers are popular ornamental specialties. Garden size, shape and design should be considered while selecting ornamental plants. You could fill the niches and decide to separate the flowerbeds; a lot depends on the role the plant should play in the garden. Certain plants are water dependent and thrive near water and some appear to do well in containers. Consider a broad range of flowering and foliage plants, small plants to shrub trees. Take a look at the sample provided here.

Keep healthy and attractive always. Air, soil and sunlight are important factors that determine the wellness of ornamental plants as well. If the conditions are ideal, good planting, right spacing, methodical fertilization, pruning, watering, mulching and pest control follow a good garden management program. Monitor the garden regularly as some plants are susceptible to attack from insects and diseases. Ornamental grasses like hollies and junipers if properly planted on a suitable site require very little care.

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